Step 1 : Cut Your Timber Slats to Size
Cut your hardwood stakes to size. We cut our stakes to 550mm each – hence, we were able to get two pieces from each stake. You can either do this with a handsaw, drop saw or ask your local hardware store to do for you. We have used 16 timber pieces for our mat, however you can custom your sizing.
Step 2 : Sand and Remove Edges
Sand each timber piece until smooth paying particular attention to edges, to ensure no rough splinters.
Step 3 : Drill the Holes
Now you have your stakes cut to size and sanded, you are ready to drill your holes out. We used a 10mm drill bit. Measure 100mm in from the edge on both ends and mark the centre – this is where you will drill your holes. Once you have your holes drilled out, smooth over holes with sandpaper to sand any rough splinters.
Step 4 : Ready to Paint
You are now ready to paint! We used two colours and a clear timber varnish for every third piece, however the options are endless. Customise your mat to suit your home, or use left-over colours you already have in the garage.
Step 5 : Thread the Rope
Once your paint is dry, line up all your timber lengths in colour order. You can now start to thread your sisal rope through your 10mm holes. Halve your 10 metre rope so you have two lengths of 5 metres. Tie off knot on 1 end of each rope and start threading each piece of timber through –tying a knot on each side after each piece of timber goes on. We left approx. 200mm of rope on each end of the entry mat.