
How To Make Your Own Christmas Candle Holders

  • 20min
  • 1
  • cost of glue & decorations

Products You'll Need

  • Selley's Power Grip
  • Glass jars
  • Dry tree branch
  • Decorations
  • Ribbon
  • Candles

Tools You'll Need

  • Hand Saw
  • Scissors
  • Personal Protective Equipment


Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to kick off the festive season than with some DIY decorations! These little candle holders are perfect for the Christmas table and a great way to reuse glass jars.

We found this dry tree branch in our yard – but you can always ask your neighbours if you don’t have one!



Step 1 : Cut the Base For Your Candle Holder

Set yourself up on a nice level bench to work on.  Overhang your branch off the end of the table and make a series of cuts around 15mm.  It’s up to you how thick or thin you make your cuts, but make sure it’s nice and level for the glass jar to sit on.



Step 2 : Stick Glass Jars and Timber Together

We’re using Selleys Power Grip to stick the glass and timber together.  It’s an awesome all-purpose glue that sticks and withstand almost anything! Make sure the glass and timber are free of dust.  Remove the cap from the glue and apply to the dry surface.  Place the glass on top of the timber, ensuring the jar is nice and centred.  Apply some pressure for about 60 seconds to allow for good initial contact.



Step 3 : Attach Decorations

Cut the ribbons to the desired length.  Apply some glue to the glass and wrap the ribbon around.  Add a bit more glue to fix off the end.  To attach your decorations, add a little more glue on top of the ribbon.





This ‘How To’ brought to you by Selleys.


Tip from Kyal

The glue will set in approximately 3 minutes, and achieve full strength in approximately 12 hours